• conference@cesran.org



  • How many people usually attend the CESRAN Conferences?

The CESRAN2024 expects to see between 80–120 conference attendees.

  • Where is the CESRAN2024 held?

In 2024, the conference will be held in Venice, Italy. 

  • What kind of scholarship does the Conference look to highlight?

The CESRAN2024 embraces high-quality scholarship reflecting a variety of viewpoints and encourages submissions from a wide range of disciplines (political science, sociology, history, economics, literature, etc.) and interdisciplinary fields (cultural studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, etc.).

  • Does the Program Committee encourage particular types of submissions?

The Organising Committee strongly encourages the submission of fully-formed session proposals of any kind.

  • Does the CESRAN offer any travel grant and registration fee waiver to attend the conference?

Registration Fee Waivers for young researchers are available. Please indicate your interest in a registration fee waiver when submitting your abstract. The registration fee waivers will be distributed at the discretion of the scientific organisers during the abstract review. If you are awarded a registration fee waiver, you will be notified after the abstract review has been completed and asked to confirm your acceptance. This is usually one or two months before the conference start date.

Travel grants for attendees are not available.

Please check out the page at the following link to learn how to apply: https://cesran.org/registration-fee-waiver

  • Do I have to present at the conference to attend?

Absolutely not! The Organising Bodies welcome attendance by all scholars of Eurasia, regardless of their participation in conference sessions.

If you are a co-author, you do not need to attend as long as one of the authors is with us to present your paper.

Yet, all the authors need to pay fees to be included in the program.

  • Are there limits on how many sessions I can participate in?

Yes. You may present no more than two papers at the conference and then chair or discuss an additional third session. Each conference attendee may have no more than three roles in three sessions at the conference.


  • Where do I go to submit a proposal?

You may submit proposals via email at iepas [@] cesran [dot] org until June 01, 2024.

  • What do I need to submit a paper proposal for the conference?

You’ll need a paper abstract (no more than 500 words) and author information, including name, title, institutional affiliation, rank, and e-mail address, for all presenting and non-presenting authors. Your paper proposal will be evaluated based on the abstract; thus, you will not be required to submit the full paper prior to being accepted to the conference.

  • What do I need to submit a panel proposal for the CESRAN2023?

You’ll need the following to submit a paper panel proposal:

* A session abstract (no more than 500 words)
* A chair
* A discussant
* 4-5 paper proposals, including paper abstracts (also no more than 500 words) and presenting author information.
  • What length should my proposal abstract be?

Please keep proposal abstracts for both panels and papers to no more than 500 words.

  • How many papers should be in my session?

Panels should have four (4) papers at the minimum and five (5) at the maximum. Any sessions with more than five (5) papers may be asked to break their panel into two sessions or remove extra papers.

  • Should I send a copy of my paper with the proposal?

No. The Committee receives a great number of submissions and therefore requests that applicants send abstracts, not full papers.

  • May I submit more than one proposal?

Yes. You may submit more than one proposal and participate in more than one panel, particularly as a discussant or chair. However, you may not present more than two papers during the conference.

  • When will I know if my paper has been accepted?

If your proposal has been accepted for inclusion in the 2023 program, you will be emailed.

  • Can I get a discount for registering early?

Absolutely. The CESRAN2024 offers an “early-bird” discount of €20 at all registration levels to those who register for the conference by a certain date.

  • What does my registration fee include?
  1. Admittance to all two days of the conference, including all sessions.
  2. Your paper may be published in a peer-reviewed international edited book or CESRAN International journals or JANUS.NET e-journal of International Relations.
  3. Participation certificate.
  4. Conference program
  • I will not be presenting any work at the Conference. May I attend the event without registering?

We welcome participants who are not presenting work, but registration is required. You can register in advance at the early bird registration rate.

  • What is the Registration Cancellation Policy?

Registration cancellations are subject to a €50 cancellation administrative fee. Full refunds, minus the cancellation fee, for conference registration will be made only if written cancellation is received before June 01, 2024.

Cancellations after June 01, 2024, will not be eligible for refunds.

Note: Situations that fall under this policy include, but are not limited to, absence due to weather and/or travel difficulties.

  • What if I am not able to stay for the entire Conference? Can fees be prorated?

The Organising Committee hopes that all attendees, including Chairs, Discussion Leaders and Speakers, will participate in the entire meeting to gain the most out of the experience. Therefore, the full registration fee will be charged regardless of the length of time a conferee attends and cannot be prorated.


  • Where am I going to stay?

There are many good hotels in Lisbon close to the conference venue. Participants should book accommodation directly with their preferred hotel.

Preparing for the Conference

  • What is a scheduling request?

All scheduling requests are due to the Organising Committee by June 10, 2023. A scheduling request will let the Committee know if there is a particular time when you can or cannot present. For example, if you will not be at the conference on a specific day, please contact the Committee so staff can do their best not to schedule your presentations for that day. You do not need to contact the Committee if you have no such restrictions.

  • Is there a word limit for papers at the CESRAN2023?

While there is no particular word limit for papers, all presenters should be prepared to speak for about 10-15 minutes. This number is a rough guideline, and presenters should make sure to confirm this with their session’s chair, who has the final say on the timing of presentations.

  • How and where do I upload my paper?

All papers must be uploaded through email at conference [@] cesran [dot] org.

  • How do I view uploaded papers?

Titles of uploaded papers may be accessed via the online program, which will be revealed on July 25, 2024, at https://cesran.org/programme

  • I am no longer able to attend the conference. What should I do?

E-mail the Committee directly at conference [@] cesran [dot] org to inform them of your withdrawal from the program as soon as you know you won’t be able to attend. If applicable, also drop your session organizer a note to let them know, so they have time to find a replacement.

My question was not answered here. Who should I contact?

Please contact us at conference [@] cesran [dot] org.