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The 4th International Conference on Eurasian Politics and Society was organised by CESRAN International on 1-2 July 2017 in Istanbul. The conference theme was “Civilisation and World Politics”.

The conference was opened with several opening and keynote speeches delivered by distinguished experts such as Professor Alp Özerdem (President of CESRAN Int. / Coventry University, UK), Professor Neil Macfarlane (University of Oxford, UK), and Professor Tim Jacoby (University of Manchester, UK). In the morning of the second day Matthew Bryza (Former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan), and Professor Mehmet Asutay (Durham University, UK) gave keynote speeches, as well. After the speeches, a roundtable discussion was organised by the participation of Matthew Bryza (Former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan), Professor Murat Çemrek (Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey), Professor Tim Jacoby (University of Manchester, UK), Professor Neil Macfarlane (University of Oxford, UK), and Professor Ibrahim Özdemir (Uskudar University, Turkey) under the moderation of Professor Mehmet Asutay (Durham University, UK).

IEPAS2017 had 11 panels, 1 roundtable discussion, chaired by Professor Mehmet Asutay (Durham University, UK), 1 book discussion session of Professor Cenap Cakmak’s book “The Arab Spring, Civil Society, and Innovative Activism” chaired by Professor Alp Özerdem (President of CESRAN Int. / Coventry University, UK), overall 61 participants.

The conference programme might be reached here.